Hello Girls! How are you?
Good to have you come to my website for the first time!
For returning female fans of me, thanks for coming back again...
unless if you hate me or think less of me and only on here to be a weird strange person bizarre girl thinking of me as an amusement freakshow for your enjoyment of seeing me that guy you ignored, forgotten about a long time ago, or shot down to the ground.
Has it been a while since you were last on my site? The yearly round up of curious but rather selective and picky who they will date or not go out with females tends to show up on my website when visiting her family during Christmas holidays, on new years, or Valentines Day. Big major American holidays draw lots of females who are both hot and in the I rejected and shot down Brent Goodman fan club. This page kind of embraces this surreal account of my popularity for being unpopular with these chicks out there in hot babe land where ever they may be in life, in her state of mind, her immaturity intellectual age level, or state town she resides in now.
Except for a new video or two every month or so I have been quiet on my website pages as you might have noticed when wanting to come across more brand new material and content from me in the last year and a half. I did make the paintings page during this year and poster art page. You are probably on my site to see more what I have been up to right? Maybe with you it could be less of a hot and bothered crush that gives you an increased heart beat and sense of euphoria and blissful adrenaline rush...or maybe the butterflies in your stomach. I don't know...And if you never share with me any feelings or attraction to me, how would I know who you are or that you like me. I have excellent skills at deductive logic through studying peoples clues, stats, or human behavior patterns. but am not a magical mind reader with esp or anything awesome like that, far from it.
I have on my art website a new personal goals for the 2015 year. It might be interesting for you being a red hot girl to see my progression of where I was at in my life, fantasies, dreams, and goals for that year from my documented essays, blogs, or artwork I made showing my goals, dreams, desires, hopes, or reality in that past elapsed place in time. I change, I changed a lot of who I am or how I think or behave in the last 5 years from 2010 to now 2015! My past ideals or state of mind and personal beliefs or how I acted or went about life is the past now. So if you think or want me to be the exact same as I was say in 2011, that is not realistic thing to project on top of me. I'm not the same anymore. I'm less passionate about my big dream goals that once was being an art teacher, Gone now. To be a famous or cult pop culture status famous comedian, pretty much died down, gone. To think I will be soon once again on my own feet living on my own by myself again...gone, not happening, I came to terms that I'm stuck living at home again. No chicks want to offer me her hand in marriage or to be a boyfriend / girlfriend couple. So I'm on my own lost at home in a very dysfunctional arguementative family with no real prospects headed my way to move out and be independent again anytime soon. All kinds of factors have led to this, both personal and internal ones and many other reasons due to money budget issues and other people ruining my chances to be a teacher for their own huge egos. The outside of my control reasons I'm not happy in my life and a full grown adult stuck at home with my parents are just as infuriating to be aware of as the internal ones I know about like my emotional problems or being easily seen as socially awkward, nerdy, or overlooked as put in a position of being very disposable and replaceable in a moments notice to just cut me off and have me gone and removed. I'm aware I get rejected, unloved, and disowned cut off all the time by others in life in business, friendships, daily life environments. I'm the likable cool guy they admire then boom thats it I'm gone, fired, let go, removed, shut out. My friendships or business relationships do not last that long anymore. Either they got bored of me and stop calling me back or emailing me back again...or they are someone mean and put me down before and when I go about to stick up for myself they then toss me out. the people who were never a friend to be trusted, had I let them publicly treat me like shit, it would not be a benefit or any improvement to my life or well being. Being assertive of myself and vulnerablity of people in power or peers walking all over me is not a huge mistake. Nobody jerking me around or treating me like a less than and a pathetic push over will have any ties to me after I stand my ground and stand up for myself to not get treated like I was nothing and just garbage to give grief or disrespect. Many people are childish babies that way. They can dish it out being mean, but can't take anyone who sticks up for themselves if it involves them as the person bossing another person around or shaming me publicly. Friends, friends they get bored of me like I was a gimmick or toy they lost interest in and got bored of, kind of like watching a stage show and not being excited about the one trick pony everytime after the first time you see it on stage. I'm amusing and entertaining at first and that lasts 4 months to a year and then poof the friends are gone, even if they promised me they would last and not be like the last set of friends I had the year before who adored me and then lost interest within that year. I'm not sure how to fix this problem. If I act like a good listener and not the show off class clown entertainment comic relief, then they consider me a dud and to boring and not thrilling enough to keep around at the start beginning stages of the friendship, maybe. When I am calm, more quiet, acting reserved, casual in my demeanor/behavior I attract less interest in me and less attention and less people wanting to be my friend if they think I'm boring. The down side to this is after a year of making the new group of these friends as Mr.Entertainment they think I'm boring and mundane at the ending stage of that friendship because I got old and who I was became eventually no longer a big laugh out loud great time. I was upfront and honest from the start of who I am, what you see is what you get, no filters or hiding things as an actor being who I think you want me to be instead of who I truly am. I am authentic from the start to the finish.
As many of you probably noticed, I do not chase girls as much. You might be wondering what did happen to that guy? Where are the love letters? Why did he stop liking me and trying to impress me? Was it something I did? Am I still attractive to men, am I to old for guys now to like me still as much as these young/younger women 18 to 22 who are firm and toned and have great bodies? I guess you can look inward at yourself to answer that question. But a lot of it is me. I tried and made great effort in strides to grow up and not repeat past mistakes that led to constant rejection and failure with women. Now if you are on here reading this disappointed in me that I stopped hitting on you or never started a campaign to win you and your love, I don't know what to say to satisfy you. Obviously my past ideas of how to impress girls to become my girlfriend did not work but went down like the Hindenburg disaster. For these same women to be on here now wanting to know where is this guy? Where the hell has he been? I've been waiting for him to hit on me after I shot him down as a man who liked me is just realllllly fucked up. Think about it lady. If a guy hits on you and you turn him down, that's it he's toast. If he is still trying to persistantly impress you he's just totally clueless and out of touch about women and will fail some more and be hated by you 110% as the creepy evil big bad mister man. Now for women who dissed me or told me off in the past or just never got a hold of me herself...thats all you, not me. I'm behaving myself and being respectful myself and to all women now as much as possible. Maybe that makes me boring now. What happened to the guy I used to know who wrote great love letters and was a bleeding heart on his sleeve? He is gone. You happened. All of you who hurt me and battered me and beat me down to change who I am to be different and not chase after girls happened. And if you are a hot girl I hit on and flirted with before your still not happy are you? Your reading this now, you rejected me. But yet you want to have me in your life. how do you suppose that is supposed to happen or go down? If you prevent me online lets say from contacting you by blocking me on a social networking site or tell me off in a text message, then if I have any self respect and social skills awareness as I do now I don't go there and down that dark road of losers alleyway. But your still displeased and not happy! What happened to him and his love letters he hasn't hit on me! Where the hell has this guy been? Bitch I've been here the whole damn time. That is where I have been! WTF! If your to good for me to get to know me or accept me, then shoot me down whatever. Go ahead. Do it!
But if you miss me and want me to continue with you, you really have to man up and be straight and on the level with me. Leave a paper trail, spend time with me, call me up, write to me. How ever you do it, if you don't pursue me back or act enthusiastic about me, forget it, it's off, over, finished. For me to chase after a women today at age 35 I need her to be responsive back. I can hit on women as dipping my toe into the water. But for me to jump right in with both feet, we have to be holding hands. None of this I'm willing to go ahead and ridicule and humiliate myself for some girl who does not like me back crap, that was the past me and is way over. How many of you weaker sex women are actually man enough to be straight and on the level with me and get to accept me and let me in to you and your life? Exactly! I thought so. This was an entertaining and engaging thing to read and enjoy. See you next year or Valentines day or what ever day or random holiday you feel the need to come on here and spy on me once again for!
Yours, (could have been)
Brent Goodman
Good to have you come to my website for the first time!
For returning female fans of me, thanks for coming back again...
unless if you hate me or think less of me and only on here to be a weird strange person bizarre girl thinking of me as an amusement freakshow for your enjoyment of seeing me that guy you ignored, forgotten about a long time ago, or shot down to the ground.
Has it been a while since you were last on my site? The yearly round up of curious but rather selective and picky who they will date or not go out with females tends to show up on my website when visiting her family during Christmas holidays, on new years, or Valentines Day. Big major American holidays draw lots of females who are both hot and in the I rejected and shot down Brent Goodman fan club. This page kind of embraces this surreal account of my popularity for being unpopular with these chicks out there in hot babe land where ever they may be in life, in her state of mind, her immaturity intellectual age level, or state town she resides in now.
Except for a new video or two every month or so I have been quiet on my website pages as you might have noticed when wanting to come across more brand new material and content from me in the last year and a half. I did make the paintings page during this year and poster art page. You are probably on my site to see more what I have been up to right? Maybe with you it could be less of a hot and bothered crush that gives you an increased heart beat and sense of euphoria and blissful adrenaline rush...or maybe the butterflies in your stomach. I don't know...And if you never share with me any feelings or attraction to me, how would I know who you are or that you like me. I have excellent skills at deductive logic through studying peoples clues, stats, or human behavior patterns. but am not a magical mind reader with esp or anything awesome like that, far from it.
I have on my art website a new personal goals for the 2015 year. It might be interesting for you being a red hot girl to see my progression of where I was at in my life, fantasies, dreams, and goals for that year from my documented essays, blogs, or artwork I made showing my goals, dreams, desires, hopes, or reality in that past elapsed place in time. I change, I changed a lot of who I am or how I think or behave in the last 5 years from 2010 to now 2015! My past ideals or state of mind and personal beliefs or how I acted or went about life is the past now. So if you think or want me to be the exact same as I was say in 2011, that is not realistic thing to project on top of me. I'm not the same anymore. I'm less passionate about my big dream goals that once was being an art teacher, Gone now. To be a famous or cult pop culture status famous comedian, pretty much died down, gone. To think I will be soon once again on my own feet living on my own by myself again...gone, not happening, I came to terms that I'm stuck living at home again. No chicks want to offer me her hand in marriage or to be a boyfriend / girlfriend couple. So I'm on my own lost at home in a very dysfunctional arguementative family with no real prospects headed my way to move out and be independent again anytime soon. All kinds of factors have led to this, both personal and internal ones and many other reasons due to money budget issues and other people ruining my chances to be a teacher for their own huge egos. The outside of my control reasons I'm not happy in my life and a full grown adult stuck at home with my parents are just as infuriating to be aware of as the internal ones I know about like my emotional problems or being easily seen as socially awkward, nerdy, or overlooked as put in a position of being very disposable and replaceable in a moments notice to just cut me off and have me gone and removed. I'm aware I get rejected, unloved, and disowned cut off all the time by others in life in business, friendships, daily life environments. I'm the likable cool guy they admire then boom thats it I'm gone, fired, let go, removed, shut out. My friendships or business relationships do not last that long anymore. Either they got bored of me and stop calling me back or emailing me back again...or they are someone mean and put me down before and when I go about to stick up for myself they then toss me out. the people who were never a friend to be trusted, had I let them publicly treat me like shit, it would not be a benefit or any improvement to my life or well being. Being assertive of myself and vulnerablity of people in power or peers walking all over me is not a huge mistake. Nobody jerking me around or treating me like a less than and a pathetic push over will have any ties to me after I stand my ground and stand up for myself to not get treated like I was nothing and just garbage to give grief or disrespect. Many people are childish babies that way. They can dish it out being mean, but can't take anyone who sticks up for themselves if it involves them as the person bossing another person around or shaming me publicly. Friends, friends they get bored of me like I was a gimmick or toy they lost interest in and got bored of, kind of like watching a stage show and not being excited about the one trick pony everytime after the first time you see it on stage. I'm amusing and entertaining at first and that lasts 4 months to a year and then poof the friends are gone, even if they promised me they would last and not be like the last set of friends I had the year before who adored me and then lost interest within that year. I'm not sure how to fix this problem. If I act like a good listener and not the show off class clown entertainment comic relief, then they consider me a dud and to boring and not thrilling enough to keep around at the start beginning stages of the friendship, maybe. When I am calm, more quiet, acting reserved, casual in my demeanor/behavior I attract less interest in me and less attention and less people wanting to be my friend if they think I'm boring. The down side to this is after a year of making the new group of these friends as Mr.Entertainment they think I'm boring and mundane at the ending stage of that friendship because I got old and who I was became eventually no longer a big laugh out loud great time. I was upfront and honest from the start of who I am, what you see is what you get, no filters or hiding things as an actor being who I think you want me to be instead of who I truly am. I am authentic from the start to the finish.
As many of you probably noticed, I do not chase girls as much. You might be wondering what did happen to that guy? Where are the love letters? Why did he stop liking me and trying to impress me? Was it something I did? Am I still attractive to men, am I to old for guys now to like me still as much as these young/younger women 18 to 22 who are firm and toned and have great bodies? I guess you can look inward at yourself to answer that question. But a lot of it is me. I tried and made great effort in strides to grow up and not repeat past mistakes that led to constant rejection and failure with women. Now if you are on here reading this disappointed in me that I stopped hitting on you or never started a campaign to win you and your love, I don't know what to say to satisfy you. Obviously my past ideas of how to impress girls to become my girlfriend did not work but went down like the Hindenburg disaster. For these same women to be on here now wanting to know where is this guy? Where the hell has he been? I've been waiting for him to hit on me after I shot him down as a man who liked me is just realllllly fucked up. Think about it lady. If a guy hits on you and you turn him down, that's it he's toast. If he is still trying to persistantly impress you he's just totally clueless and out of touch about women and will fail some more and be hated by you 110% as the creepy evil big bad mister man. Now for women who dissed me or told me off in the past or just never got a hold of me herself...thats all you, not me. I'm behaving myself and being respectful myself and to all women now as much as possible. Maybe that makes me boring now. What happened to the guy I used to know who wrote great love letters and was a bleeding heart on his sleeve? He is gone. You happened. All of you who hurt me and battered me and beat me down to change who I am to be different and not chase after girls happened. And if you are a hot girl I hit on and flirted with before your still not happy are you? Your reading this now, you rejected me. But yet you want to have me in your life. how do you suppose that is supposed to happen or go down? If you prevent me online lets say from contacting you by blocking me on a social networking site or tell me off in a text message, then if I have any self respect and social skills awareness as I do now I don't go there and down that dark road of losers alleyway. But your still displeased and not happy! What happened to him and his love letters he hasn't hit on me! Where the hell has this guy been? Bitch I've been here the whole damn time. That is where I have been! WTF! If your to good for me to get to know me or accept me, then shoot me down whatever. Go ahead. Do it!
But if you miss me and want me to continue with you, you really have to man up and be straight and on the level with me. Leave a paper trail, spend time with me, call me up, write to me. How ever you do it, if you don't pursue me back or act enthusiastic about me, forget it, it's off, over, finished. For me to chase after a women today at age 35 I need her to be responsive back. I can hit on women as dipping my toe into the water. But for me to jump right in with both feet, we have to be holding hands. None of this I'm willing to go ahead and ridicule and humiliate myself for some girl who does not like me back crap, that was the past me and is way over. How many of you weaker sex women are actually man enough to be straight and on the level with me and get to accept me and let me in to you and your life? Exactly! I thought so. This was an entertaining and engaging thing to read and enjoy. See you next year or Valentines day or what ever day or random holiday you feel the need to come on here and spy on me once again for!
Yours, (could have been)
Brent Goodman